Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Want to Have My Performance PRE-Review

Well it's getting to be that time of the year...you sit down, answer a bunch of sections of your performance review, provide some cogent commentary, hit the send button and DING!, your manager has a task assigned to them via email. So, they log into the portal, start their review of your performance over the past year...seeing all of your thoughts and comments, they append their own subjective comments on top of yours. And DING!, off it goes to HR.

Is this really what should be happening? I just wrote my own PRE-view and sent it to my boss. I wrote about what I would like to do next year based upon my perceived performance this year. Based upon problems I encountered this year, I proposed solutions and options that might be applicable for next year. Do I really want to review my entire past year, what was good, what was bad, where I can improve? Will I learn anything from that analysis? Maybe, I could get some developmental ideas to improve some aspects of my job or increase my competencies...but shouldn't we be talking about that during the course of the year?

I want to be able to look forward, anticipate what problems & issues I might encounter and be able to plan proactively. It's like an IDP, but it's not based upon what was done but upon what needs to be done. I don't know why people haven't thought about this. Selling performance systems, I always hear the same stories about the process, the work flow and the development plans. Everyone is looking back, I have yet to hear any company or department that is looking forward, using the PRE-review!