Thursday, July 26, 2007

Interesting Talent Management Article - July 2007

Performance Management: "Driving HR Application Adoptions" by Michael George from Talent Management Magazine July, 2007

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From HDTV to iPods, we flock to the newest technological gadgets in our personal lives. Yet, within the workplace, we often oppose changes to the way we work. Talent managers need to combat employees' unwillingness to adopt new HR technologies and create an organization that embraces - rather than resists - new tools. Click here to read the full article.

Interesting Talent Management Article- July 2007

Learning Solutions: " A World of Differences: Train and Maintain Your Global Workforce" from CLO Magazine by Wendy Farrell - July 2007

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When companies expand globally, their workforce becomes increasingly diverse, with employees who speak multiple languages and who come from distinct cultures that might have different business priorities and ways of working. These differences can place strains on chief learning officers, who then need to consider new strategies for developing, localizing and deploying learning materials. The issue is that the needs of these international employees, how they learn and the languages they speak are not universal.

Related Talent Management Wikis, Blogs, Videos

Kaplan and Norton founded the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, read more at their blog The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative is a Palladium company and dedicated to the worldwide awareness, use, enhancement, and integrity of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a value-added management process.

Related Talent Management Links, Wikis, Blogs, Videos


WIKI Check-in
: The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept was created by Drs. Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton in 1992, and has been implemented in thousands of corporations, organizations, and government agencies worldwide. Read this wiki to find out what it means today...